Ask Academy CAD Class


Creating a "De-Construction Animation Short Film"

Animating from a fully textured model to a wireframe certainly demonstrates the process whereby the completed model was created

This is the completed animation

Please download the start file here: animation_start.max

Keeping in mind the render times that stymied us when using physical materials, this first instructional video shows us how to install and use the older materials to create a "finished" look for the textured version of the loft ship.

In this second instructional video we open a set of architechural materials so that we can access some ready made "glass" materials for the cock pit area of the loft ship. We also create a "wire frame" material for the wire ship.

In the third video section of this exercise, we will be creating the animation. Prior to doing that we will have to add frames to the existing timeline. This will in effect, slow down the animation so that it does not look "rushed".

In this fourth and final video section we will render off our animation. We also look at compression schemes and aspect ratios as well as tools for repostioning the camera even though it is constrained to a path.

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