Ask Academy CAD Class


Project One - The Moon

Section 1

In this video section, we will be going over the first steps in creating the moon effect. Even though we went over it in class, it is a good idea to watch the video carefully. It clarifies how the settings affect the visual appearance of our moon sphere. In addition to that this is a required assigment. Scholars will submit their new moon file to the Google classroom as well as emailing me the submission (completed moon .max file). Thank you for your work!

In this next video section, we will be fine tuning the settings that affect the surface appearance of our moon. The good news is that it is a short video and the inforamtion adds to both the quality of our work and our understanding of how we got there! Thank you!

Finally, in this next video section, we will assign diffuse and bump maps to the moon in the compact material editor. When this video is completed, everyone will need to email their files to the instructor, (me) and then upload them to the Google classroom. Those maps can be downloaded using this Thank you!

Go to Section 2

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