This content is created for exclusively for The University of Memphis
Please watch the video instructions below - even if you are not modifying the Nimlok booth! The techniques for modifying our booth are the same. And, remember, we MUST modify the booth!
Video Instructions
Please watch the video instructions below - even if you are not modifying the Stacey Baar booth! The techniques for modifying our booth are the same. And, remember, we MUST modify the booth! These videos also provide parameters for the Tradeshow Booth project.
Video Instructions for modifying the Stacy_Baar.skp Tradeshow Booth Model
Do this for 120 extra credit points! Post to YouTube and email me the link for another 20 points!
Video instructions for Fly-Through Animation below:
Here's mine from the textile booth:
This site is owned and operated by Chris Schiotis. The content is intended to support the instructional efforts for the online classes I am privileged to teach for the University of Memphis. Thank you for viewing and using this content!